Friday, July 24, 2009

Comissioner Highway Talks Crazy

Only four short seasons ago, Blade Stevenson, then of the Colorado Grizzlies, blasted 71 balls over the fence. Since that time, Stevenson has not come even come close to replicating that total. His closest attempt was a 51 homer campaign last season. Many thought his record would stand for decades to come.

Fast forward to today. First Baseman Albert Wall of Chicago has 46 homers through 86 games and has won two consecutive Player of the Week Awards. He is currently on pace for 87 home runs on the season. Obviously this is quite short of the record. Despite this, Commissioner tomhighwayhas boldly announced that he "has a feeling" that Wall will surpass Stevenson's mark by season's end. Wall needs a miracle as he will have to mash 26 more into the cheap seats in only 75 games. As you can see this is mathamtically impossible, but the commissioner seems confident.

This could end up being the dumbest prediction since Bill Gates said that "No one will ever need more than 640KB of RAM." Of course Bill Gates has an IQ of 160 and we hear Commissioner Highway just started coloring on the test with a purple crayon, so it could still yet be the most idiotic statement in history.

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