Saturday, July 11, 2009

Maxwell and Logan rumors: Can anyone afford what's needed to obtain one of these All-Stars?


Albuquerque, New Mexico

Rumors are flying around about probably 2 of the best hitters in the American league, Phillip Maxwell and Spike Logan. Owner Rootgargle has mentioned he's been fielding a large amount of inquiries for Maxwell already but he's not quite sure what the plan will be regarding the Albuquerque Slugger. He's mentioned he will wait until this coming Monday to really look into the offers that have been proposed and he'll start replying to those interested. He's also mentioned that Spike Logan hasn't been generating as much as he'd hoped he would in this time of rebuilding for the future of this team.

Albuquerque is still in the Division race only 2 games behind of San Francisco at the moment so all hope is not lost yet. Albuquerque may still find themselves in the playoffs after making the moves they plan on making. We'll update you as we find out more regarding the futures of Logan and Maxwell.

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