Saturday, June 6, 2009

Season Five Begins


Today, season five of Double Day officially kicked off, with rollover commencing early this morning. Two playoff-caliber franchises--the Jackson Senators of the AL and the Wichita White Stockings--have become available. It has not yet been determined who the two new owners will be, though word on that will likely become available within the next 24 hours.

The other thirty owners from season four will be returning to their respective teams. For season five, I will be introducing for Double Day Daily a new weekly segment, issued out every Sunday. The yet-to-be-named weekly segment will feature a new owner interview every week; players will be given the opportunity to address questions surrounding their respective teams, and will also be given the opportunity to talk about all things Double Day.

Season-four World Series winner rbedwell will jump-start our series when he talks about Louisville's incredibly successful history. This will be made available starting Sunday, June 7th.

It is my hope to offer full coverage of season five with a few of our more regularly utilized segments:

- Rumor Mills
- Series Spotlight
- Preseason Divisonal Breakdowns

Also, expect, as has been the tradition here, coverage of all offseason activities, including the Rule 5, free agency, arbitration, and the litany of big trades that's sure to follow.

Best of luck to all owners, and here's to another fantastic season!


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